Thanksgiving Food Drive Christmas Food DriveAngel Trees St. Hugh: The Angel Tree will arrive on November 16/17 at St. Hugh Church. This Angel Tree will benefit local children of the Carmichaels Area and must be returned by the weekend of December 7/8 with the Angel tag attached. Please sign the sign-up sheet when you take an angel and include your Angel number. All gifts must be “newly” purchased items!” If you cannot return your gift by the weekend of December 7/8, please do not take an angel. Any questions, please call Gayle Caffery, 724-592-6924. Thank you for your support!
St. Ignatius: The Angel Tree will be arriving very soon at St. Ignatius Church. This Angel Tree will benefit the children of the Southeastern Greene Area. There will be a limited number of angels. Get your Angel early! Gifts must be returned no later than Sunday, December 15th .